Whether you are gifting a firearm to someone you know well or are planning on selling an unwanted firearm to a stranger, it is important to protect yourself legally when making this transfer. This is extremely important since you can actually find yourself facing criminal charges if you fail to comply with both federal and state laws regarding the transfer of firearms. The problem is that far too many people are not even aware of all the laws that govern firearm transfers. This is why it is always best to complete the sale or gift of a firearm with the assistance of a licensed gun store. In this article, you can learn more about the firearm transfer services that these stores provide and how they can benefit you when buying or selling a firearm.
Verifying Eligibility For Transfer
When facilitating the transfer of a firearm, a licensed firearms dealer will be required by law to run a background check on both the buyer and the seller. Additionally, the dealer will be required to check with law enforcement officially to ensure that the weapon has not been reported stolen. This is done by providing law enforcement with the serial number associated with the weapon. Performing all of these steps ultimately allows the dealer to verify that the weapon is eligible for a legal transfer and that the seller has the legal right to transfer it.
Protection For Both Parties
Going through a licensed gun store to complete the transfer of a firearm offers equal protection for both the buyer and the seller. While the seller is able to protect themselves by ensuring that the buyer has the legal right to possess a weapon, the buyer is able to ensure that their legal ownership of the weapon cannot be called into question once the transfer is complete.
A Clear Paper Trail
In the event that there was ever any legal issues involving the weapon you plan to sell or purchase, it is important that you are able to provide law enforcement with a clear paper trail that demonstrates when ownership of this weapon took place, as well as documenting all parties that were involved in the transfer. For instance, imagine that ten years from now, it is discovered that the weapon you purchased from a private seller was used in a crime before you came into possession of it. The ability to prove exactly when, where, and from whom you obtained this weapon could mean the difference between you being falsely accused of a crime or quickly cleared of any suspicion.